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Mm Links April 2013 Week 3

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Strix | 07:45 Sat 20th Apr 2013 | Quizzes & Puzzles
40 Answers
More than five generations of Mrs Strix family have bred, trained and competed on horses.

From earliest youth they all have had close relationships with their horses. This means they are closely in tune with them and know, intimately, their individual temperaments and various idiosyncratic quirks.

Mrs S can sense when a horse is feeling well but, more importantly, when something is not quite right and it is “off-colour”. 99.9% of her intuitions, if you can call them that, prove accurate.

Others, including our vets, postulate that it is almost a form of telepathy.

However I am a rather more prosaic about my wife’s intuitions, telling them that what she is doing is, in her sub-conscious, putting together various bits of information from her senses, synthesizing them and then coming to a diagnosis.

Anyhow, enough guff, now for the competition and let’s hope you have as much success this time around as so many of you did last weekend.


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Question Author

According to normal practice, for the everyday running of MM, I shall follow this rule on word length, in that each of my pre-selected link words contains at least four letters and at most eight letters. Stray outside this range and you will be wasting one of your attempts!

Each of the selected link words may go in front of, or behind my challenge word to make a new longer word or to make a well-known phrase or saying. The combination will never be a person's name.

The competition will officially close on Sunday Evening at 7.00pm, when gen2 will declare my pre-selected words and then apply the same rules for awarding points that have been applied during all MM Link Games in the past. My set of four words to have their links predicted should appear below at 9.00am.
Question Author

I, ‘STRIX THE DILETTANTE', challenge you to predict my set of four links to go with these four challenge words.

SECOND sight
taste BUDS
ROMAN nose
Morning, All. I'll try:

Second SIGHT
Bitter TASTE
Roman NOSE

Good luck, everyone.
second sight
sound bite(s)
taste note(s)
nose ring
Second Sight
Sound Barrier
Sour taste
Broken Nose
SECOND sight
ULTRA sound
taste BUDS
nose CONE
I'll try
SECOND sight
sound BYTE
taste BUDS
Taste BUDS
ROMAN nose
Ciao, Strix. Keep the tide running a little longer, please.

Night sight
Plymouth Sound
White noise
Good morning all

Taste BUDS
second sight
sound check
taste buds
nose dive
Good morning

Sight Seeing
Surround Sound
Good Taste
Roman Nose
nose BLEED
fore sight
sound barrier
taste buds
roman nose
second sight

sound barrier

good taste

bottle nose
Sight glass
Sound wave
Taste buds
Nose bleed
SHORT sight
Sound BITE
Apologies - the answers above are from Manxiemo, not Christiana.
My laptop is having a heart transplant - I forgot this machine is not in my name, sorry!
Second Sight
Plymouth Sound
After Taste
Roman Nose

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Mm Links April 2013 Week 3

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