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If You Think You're A Film Buff.....

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losgigs | 09:48 Mon 20th May 2013 | Quizzes & Puzzles
12 Answers
If you haven't already done so, get yourself a copy of Richard's latest quiz for Macmillan Cancer Support - It's a corker! I've been taxing the grey cells over it for the past 24 hours and almost half-way through but it'll keep me out of trouble for a while. Thanks for another goodie, Richard.


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Is anybody else getting security warnings about this site and if so did you continue.
No not getting a security warning, all seems fine:)
I got it with no trouble or warnings.
Just Giving is a safe site and this is a splendid quiz.
Many thanks.
I'm loving this quiz, can't do it mind, especially when I had to reread a thousand times that the films are listed in alphabetical order of the names of their director, doh! I was trying to do it in order of title.
Hi Greenfingers I'm also getting security warnings about this site
The site is very safe, I use it an awful lot and always for Richard's quizzes.
Thanks rockyrancoon Like to help Macmillan Cancer Support they do great work.
I still have 15 to find, but getting sidetracked through writing out films I want to see again!! Well done Richard !
Well done Julia, I'm really struggling with this as I'm not very clued up on directors. I'm determined to get there though.
Question Author
Well done to Julia. Am also down to double figures now and am enjoying the challenge. I wonder how long it takes Richard to put together a quiz like this. Glad that lots of other ABers are doing it too.

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If You Think You're A Film Buff.....

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