Stuck on last two.Could I have CLUES only please?
24 Jean grinds the corn here.
27 Sounds like what you find in the middle of a tree.
Thank you for any help.
Thank you quinie and ouzel, got them both now.
Thought I had finished but not too sure on Qu 83. Do you need your marbles to go here. I have an answer but not too happy with it if someone can offer a clue so I can recheck my thoughts. Thanks.
Thank you quinie, went to bed before you replied. Yes it does end with alcoholic drink, so happy with that now. 3 completed quizzes ready for posting Tuesday.
Hi,furrypusscat,glad you're all done with your quizzes.I really must get organised and get them sorted out. I have several not quite finished and a few ready to post. Good luck.