Question Author
Ulysases100 kicked off the scoring at 9:02 with COFFEE GROUNDS which also provided bonus points for Aquagility and cliffyg.
Grannydi had her thinking head on when she suggested WISDOM TEETH for 2 points but although four others went for the same link, they were outwith the two-minute window and so only picked up singles.
Cliffyg then became the only player to suggest DRINKING WATER and thus became this weekend's only double-hitter (4 points).
For that feat I declare
***** HOTSHOT FOR *****
***** THIS WEEK IS *****
* * * * C L I F F Y G * * * *
I very nearly awarded 'Hotshot' to Twix123 who left it almost until the last minute (well, 16:43 on Sunday) to discover the final link of LIFESTYLE.
Here is a summary of all this week's scorers:
4 cliffyg
2 Aquagility
2 grannydi
2 twix123
2 ulysses100
1 boxtops
1 Brenden
1 CHRIS-Hewat
1 kettledrum
1 patchett
1 pixie373
1 SHAZZA-Hewat
1 wickedtongue
Congratulations to all point scorers and we'll reconvene next weekend.
Until then,
Same time (9am)
Same place (Q&P)
Happy Linking