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3 Letter Crossword Answer R-T

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verdimad | 18:22 Fri 07th Jun 2013 | Quizzes & Puzzles
2 Answers
Please supply me with an answer to the following crossword question:
r-t (probably)
Clue: Climbing hill, decline cigarette.

HOWEVER, ONE of the words in the clue is superfluous and must be ignored. Don't know which one. I'm baffled, as I'm pretty sure that r something t is correct. It fits the other clues perfectly.


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rot? tor is a hill
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Many thanks. yes, I'm sure it's Tor, as one of the 6 letter unclued answers is roll-up, so Cigarette is the superfluous word (used as a synonym in the 6 letter clue) Hurrah! I've done it. (with your confirmation re Tor)

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3 Letter Crossword Answer R-T

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