Quizzes & Puzzles131 mins ago
Quizzes And Puzzles Round Up August 2013
24 Answers
Dear All,
Welcome to the August edition of our monthly Quizzes and Puzzles round up. If you have a new charity quiz feel free to add it to the thread and we will include it in later editions.
Please remember to add contact details i.e. email or postal address, the closing date, the cost, where the quiz funds will be going and the theme of the quiz,thanks.
If you have already added it to AB you can just post the link to the question.
Please could you post one quiz per answer to avoid confusion, thank you.
All the best,
1. Boys Names Quiz, in aid of Cornwall Branch of the Motor Neurone Disease Association, closing date 31st August 2013.
2. CLOTHES Quiz, in aid of The RAP Foundation, closing date 31st August 2013.
3. Scottish Theme Quiz 70 General Knowledge questions with a Scottish theme,in aid of the Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, closing date 31st August 2013.
4. Film Dingbats Quiz, in aid of Pendleside Hospice, Burnley, closing date 31st August 2013.
5. Forget Me Not Quiz 85 varied questions also available by email, raising funds for the Alzheimer's Society. Registered Charity No. 296645, closing date 1st September 2013.
6. New Quiz Two words beginning D C, in aid of Friockheim Bowling Club, closing date 7th September 2013.
7. Scottish Songs Quiz 25 questions Scottish song titles , in aid of St Columba's Church Fundraising, closing date 7th September 2013.
8. CAP IT ALL CRUISE Quiz fill in the blanks, in aid of St Michaels Church Shirley Funds, closing date 9th September 2013.
9. New Quiz 50 questions in 5 sections, in aid of HIGHAM FERRERS SAVE THE CHILDREN, closing date 10th September 2013.
10. Mine's A Pint Quiz brewery themed clues, in aid of Billericay Lions Charity, closing date 16th September 2013.
11. Birds Quiz 100 clues, in aid of S.M.I.L.E., closing date 20th September 2013.
12. SU MM ER Quiz 60 questions, in aid of Romanian Aid Foundation. (www.roaf.org), closing date 21st September 2013.
13. Lizzes Quizzes No.10 80 vareid questions, in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support, correction for an error here, closing date 23rd September 2013.
14. AT THE MOVIES Quiz 100 questions, in aid of MAGPAS, closing date 25th September 2013.
15. 'Great British Shires' Quiz 40 questions, in aid of St. Guthlac's Ladies' Guild, closing date 25th September 2013.
16. Figure It Out quiz 40 questions with numbers in the answer, in aid of Rainbow Africa's Grannies and Orphans Housing Project, S. Zambia, closing date 27th September 2013.
17. After an accident Quiz , in aid of Chatteris Community Group, closing date 30th September 2013.
18. Tykes Teaser 2 Quiz , in aid of Snainton Village Hall and Playing Fields Association, closing date 30th September 2013.
19. ALL OVER THE WORLD Quiz cryptic clues about names of countries, in aid of United Society, closing date 30th September 2013.
20. Water, Water, Everywhere Quiz, in aid of Water Aid, closing date 30th September 2013.
21. Colours & Shades Quiz 30 clues, in aid of Treetops Hospice (Regd Charity No. 519540), closing date 2nd October 2013.
22. Who Am I? Quiz 90 picture clues, in aid of Cystic Fibrosis Trust (Fakenham Group), closing date 30th November 2013.
23. Around the UK coastline Quiz 50 questions, in aid of Supporters of Southgates Medical Centre, closing date 20th December 2013.
24. New Quiz No.6 60 varied clues, in aid of Buxton Mountain Rescue, closing date 31st December 2013.
25. Movie Quiz, in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support, closing date 1st February 2014.
Welcome to the August edition of our monthly Quizzes and Puzzles round up. If you have a new charity quiz feel free to add it to the thread and we will include it in later editions.
Please remember to add contact details i.e. email or postal address, the closing date, the cost, where the quiz funds will be going and the theme of the quiz,thanks.
If you have already added it to AB you can just post the link to the question.
Please could you post one quiz per answer to avoid confusion, thank you.
All the best,
1. Boys Names Quiz, in aid of Cornwall Branch of the Motor Neurone Disease Association, closing date 31st August 2013.
2. CLOTHES Quiz, in aid of The RAP Foundation, closing date 31st August 2013.
3. Scottish Theme Quiz 70 General Knowledge questions with a Scottish theme,in aid of the Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, closing date 31st August 2013.
4. Film Dingbats Quiz, in aid of Pendleside Hospice, Burnley, closing date 31st August 2013.
5. Forget Me Not Quiz 85 varied questions also available by email, raising funds for the Alzheimer's Society. Registered Charity No. 296645, closing date 1st September 2013.
6. New Quiz Two words beginning D C, in aid of Friockheim Bowling Club, closing date 7th September 2013.
7. Scottish Songs Quiz 25 questions Scottish song titles , in aid of St Columba's Church Fundraising, closing date 7th September 2013.
8. CAP IT ALL CRUISE Quiz fill in the blanks, in aid of St Michaels Church Shirley Funds, closing date 9th September 2013.
9. New Quiz 50 questions in 5 sections, in aid of HIGHAM FERRERS SAVE THE CHILDREN, closing date 10th September 2013.
10. Mine's A Pint Quiz brewery themed clues, in aid of Billericay Lions Charity, closing date 16th September 2013.
11. Birds Quiz 100 clues, in aid of S.M.I.L.E., closing date 20th September 2013.
12. SU MM ER Quiz 60 questions, in aid of Romanian Aid Foundation. (www.roaf.org), closing date 21st September 2013.
13. Lizzes Quizzes No.10 80 vareid questions, in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support, correction for an error here, closing date 23rd September 2013.
14. AT THE MOVIES Quiz 100 questions, in aid of MAGPAS, closing date 25th September 2013.
15. 'Great British Shires' Quiz 40 questions, in aid of St. Guthlac's Ladies' Guild, closing date 25th September 2013.
16. Figure It Out quiz 40 questions with numbers in the answer, in aid of Rainbow Africa's Grannies and Orphans Housing Project, S. Zambia, closing date 27th September 2013.
17. After an accident Quiz , in aid of Chatteris Community Group, closing date 30th September 2013.
18. Tykes Teaser 2 Quiz , in aid of Snainton Village Hall and Playing Fields Association, closing date 30th September 2013.
19. ALL OVER THE WORLD Quiz cryptic clues about names of countries, in aid of United Society, closing date 30th September 2013.
20. Water, Water, Everywhere Quiz, in aid of Water Aid, closing date 30th September 2013.
21. Colours & Shades Quiz 30 clues, in aid of Treetops Hospice (Regd Charity No. 519540), closing date 2nd October 2013.
22. Who Am I? Quiz 90 picture clues, in aid of Cystic Fibrosis Trust (Fakenham Group), closing date 30th November 2013.
23. Around the UK coastline Quiz 50 questions, in aid of Supporters of Southgates Medical Centre, closing date 20th December 2013.
24. New Quiz No.6 60 varied clues, in aid of Buxton Mountain Rescue, closing date 31st December 2013.
25. Movie Quiz, in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support, closing date 1st February 2014.
WINNERS OF THE RECIPE QUIZ Matlock Town Football Club Supporters Auxiliary Association C J CHANTLER BATH 115 £10 M KAY SANDBACH 114 £8 M CORNISH DARLEY DALE 112 £6 L PATERSON CLACKS 111.5 £5 G CUNLIFFE-JONES 111 £4 Many thanks to all who bought this quiz and even more thanks to those who sent in their answers. When I compiled this quiz I thought it would be an...
19:07 Wed 14th Aug 2013
A Question Of Colour
Hi Ab's and especially Fibonacci
New Quiz available for Macmillan Cancer Support called "A Question of Colour. 30 questions . 50p per entry.
This quiz now available by e-mail and by post. E-mail address is jeanettewithane@btinternet.com. or by post Jeanette Gibson, 7, Cairns Park, New Alyth Perthshire. PH11 8PA.closing date 30th September. please send an s.a.e. along with your request.
11:01 Tue 30th Jul 2013
A Question Of Colour
Hi Ab's and especially Fibonacci
New Quiz available for Macmillan Cancer Support called "A Question of Colour. 30 questions . 50p per entry.
This quiz now available by e-mail and by post. E-mail address is jeanettewithane@btinternet.com. or by post Jeanette Gibson, 7, Cairns Park, New Alyth Perthshire. PH11 8PA.closing date 30th September. please send an s.a.e. along with your request.
11:01 Tue 30th Jul 2013
New Quiz In Aid Of The Radcliffe Animal Shelter
Called Bugs and Beasts, the answers to 30 questions and 30 pictures relate in some way to animals.
Please send £1 + SAE or note of email address (to save you postage) to
Janet Gibbons,
53 Byron Road
West Bridgford
Nottm. NG2 6DY
Cash stuck to note of your details preferred, otherwise cheques payable to J. Gibbons. Prize of £10 to winner drawn from those with most score, plus spot prize chosen at random from all other entries, completed or not.
Closing date 31st October 2013.
19:09 Thu 01st Aug 2013
New Quiz In Aid Of The Radcliffe Animal Shelter
Called Bugs and Beasts, the answers to 30 questions and 30 pictures relate in some way to animals.
Please send £1 + SAE or note of email address (to save you postage) to
Janet Gibbons,
53 Byron Road
West Bridgford
Nottm. NG2 6DY
Cash stuck to note of your details preferred, otherwise cheques payable to J. Gibbons. Prize of £10 to winner drawn from those with most score, plus spot prize chosen at random from all other entries, completed or not.
Closing date 31st October 2013.
19:09 Thu 01st Aug 2013
Whittington Cricket Club Quiz 2013
A reminder that the annual Whittington Cricket Club Quiz is available now. All of the answers are the names of places in Great Britain and the closing date is 31st October, 2013. Winner willl receive £50. For a quiz sheet send SAE and £1 (coin or cheque payable to Whittington Cricket Club) to Barrie Taylor, 23 The Spires. Lichfield, Staffs. WS14 9RP.
Whittington Cricket Club Quiz 2013
A reminder that the annual Whittington Cricket Club Quiz is available now. All of the answers are the names of places in Great Britain and the closing date is 31st October, 2013. Winner willl receive £50. For a quiz sheet send SAE and £1 (coin or cheque payable to Whittington Cricket Club) to Barrie Taylor, 23 The Spires. Lichfield, Staffs. WS14 9RP.
New quiz available in aid of Cats Protection (Moray Branch).
Star Signs has 60 questions - cryptic, general knowledge and anagrams and the answers all have, or contain, a connection to the zodiac etc.
Closing date 26th October, 2013.
Available by email (pay on return) from ouzel99@yahoo.com or by post for £1 from: CP Quiz, c/o 10 Burnside Street, Findochty, Moray, AB56 4QW.
Please enclose s.a.e. and securely taped coin or cheque (payable to P. Arrowsmith)
The winner of the Name Dropping quiz (£10), drawn from 13 all-correct answer sheets, was Mrs S. Atkinson from Cornwall and the random entry prize (£5) went to Mrs J. Coombs of North Somerset.
The quiz raised around £130 for Cats Protection (Moray) - a very big thank you to everyone who took part.
Star Signs has 60 questions - cryptic, general knowledge and anagrams and the answers all have, or contain, a connection to the zodiac etc.
Closing date 26th October, 2013.
Available by email (pay on return) from ouzel99@yahoo.com or by post for £1 from: CP Quiz, c/o 10 Burnside Street, Findochty, Moray, AB56 4QW.
Please enclose s.a.e. and securely taped coin or cheque (payable to P. Arrowsmith)
The winner of the Name Dropping quiz (£10), drawn from 13 all-correct answer sheets, was Mrs S. Atkinson from Cornwall and the random entry prize (£5) went to Mrs J. Coombs of North Somerset.
The quiz raised around £130 for Cats Protection (Moray) - a very big thank you to everyone who took part.
Is the New Quiz in aid of DebRA availbale by email ?
don't forget you can advertise your quiz on the Fundrasining Quizzes website
and contact details can be found here
don't forget you can advertise your quiz on the Fundrasining Quizzes website
and contact details can be found here
Back in the late 1920’s early 1930’s my Father was an avid cyclist and loved to go on holiday with a few mates on their bicycles, this is one of his routes. Find his route by solving the cryptic clues!
Entries to be returned 30th NOVEMBER 2013
Please send £1 and SAE to the above address (cheques made out to MTFCSAA)
or I can email the quiz to you please contact me on susan@dxmedia.co.uk - please pay when you send in your entry
or please pay by Paypal, using the email address above send £1-30, I have to pay Paypal fees, but cheaper than two stamps
Back in the late 1920’s early 1930’s my Father was an avid cyclist and loved to go on holiday with a few mates on their bicycles, this is one of his routes. Find his route by solving the cryptic clues!
Entries to be returned 30th NOVEMBER 2013
Please send £1 and SAE to the above address (cheques made out to MTFCSAA)
or I can email the quiz to you please contact me on susan@dxmedia.co.uk - please pay when you send in your entry
or please pay by Paypal, using the email address above send £1-30, I have to pay Paypal fees, but cheaper than two stamps
St Edmunds Church, Carlisle in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support'
This quiz consists of a STORY, Cryptic Furniture Items and Cryptic Parts of the Body.
Quiz available by email or by sending a SAE to Mrs A.McGinn, 46 Grinsdale Avenue, Carlisle. CA2 7LX.
Email edmondsquiz@hotmail.co.uk
£1 per copy. Please make cheques payable to Macmillan Cancer Support.
Closing Date September 30th 2013.
Good Luck and thank-you for your continued support.
Our previous quiz Of The FLOWER STORY was won by Polly Hellier from Taunton. Polly was the only one with an all correct entry. Well Done.
St Edmunds Church, Carlisle in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support'
This quiz consists of a STORY, Cryptic Furniture Items and Cryptic Parts of the Body.
Quiz available by email or by sending a SAE to Mrs A.McGinn, 46 Grinsdale Avenue, Carlisle. CA2 7LX.
Email edmondsquiz@hotmail.co.uk
£1 per copy. Please make cheques payable to Macmillan Cancer Support.
Closing Date September 30th 2013.
Good Luck and thank-you for your continued support.
Our previous quiz Of The FLOWER STORY was won by Polly Hellier from Taunton. Polly was the only one with an all correct entry. Well Done.
Matlock Town Football Club Supporters Auxiliary Association
Many thanks to all who bought this quiz and even more thanks to those who sent in their answers.
When I compiled this quiz I thought it would be an easy topic, but, sorry, I was proved wrong. I have allowed a few alternative answers, and have not taken plurals into consideration, plus some answers can be written in a different order.
The book I used was the
GOOD HOUSEKEEPING COOKERY ENCYLOPAEDIA, which was first published in 1951, my copy says ‘This separate and Revised Edition 1964). I have had it since I was at school and found it extremely useful over the years.
The answer sheets have now been sent out, including the new quiz mentioned above.
Matlock Town Football Club Supporters Auxiliary Association
Many thanks to all who bought this quiz and even more thanks to those who sent in their answers.
When I compiled this quiz I thought it would be an easy topic, but, sorry, I was proved wrong. I have allowed a few alternative answers, and have not taken plurals into consideration, plus some answers can be written in a different order.
The book I used was the
GOOD HOUSEKEEPING COOKERY ENCYLOPAEDIA, which was first published in 1951, my copy says ‘This separate and Revised Edition 1964). I have had it since I was at school and found it extremely useful over the years.
The answer sheets have now been sent out, including the new quiz mentioned above.
My latest cryptic fundraiser for Macmillan Cancer Support is now available for pre-order at http://www.justgiving.com/FoodQuiz2013 - copies will be sent out from Sunday 25th August onwards.
This time there are lots of food-related prizes - details on my blog at http://macmillanquizzer.blogspot.co.uk/
This quiz consists of 100 foods defined by cryptic clues.
Thank you in anticipation for your support.
My latest cryptic fundraiser for Macmillan Cancer Support is now available for pre-order at http://
This time there are lots of food-related prizes - details on my blog at http://
This quiz consists of 100 foods defined by cryptic clues.
Thank you in anticipation for your support.
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New Quiz In Aid Of Breast Cancer Care
A LYRICS QUIZ. From lines from songs, find the song titles, £1 per sheet.
With a chance to win a £40 Tesco Gift Card
For a quiz sheet, please send a stamped addressed envelope and cheque to
Mrs Susan Rushworth, 1 Bronze Street, March, Cambridgeshire PE15 8UJ Cheques payable to Susan Rushworth. The closing date is 15th October
10:57 Mon 19th Aug 2013