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smurf | 17:31 Sun 11th Aug 2013 | Quizzes & Puzzles
13 Answers
76 olive oil & balsam (with m crossed out). long way and darts john
78 painting etc --, cheering in crowd
84 find at end of quiz, fruit with lots of seeds
111 mr saville, leveret is this 9 have put jimmy hare but never heard of him
thanks for any help


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6:Chris far lowe
78 Art Of Noise ?
111 Jimmy Young
84 gladys knight and the pips
I don't understand why 84 is Gladys Knight & The Pips
I just had a flash of inspiration whilst sitting in the bath. Maybe it's too cryptic but how about The Corrs (sounds like The Cause- maybe details are given at the end of the sheet) and the Cores (apple/pear cores etc contain seeds)
just thought glad it's night and seeds pips
111 jimmy rush
oh forget that i was sure there was singer called jimmy rush must be having another grey moment
Please can someone clarify the clue for 111- is the "is this 9" mentioned in the clue?
111. 9 should be i, a typing slip.
Definitely Jimmy Young (Unchained Melody etc) then
tommy. how do you get Chris out of olive oil and Balsam (with m crossed out)

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