Motoring6 mins ago
Rhodes Minnis Music Or Dance
9 Answers
36 Greek musician & his instrument OWHL (7,4,3,4)
Have googled & found Orpheus with his lute also Orpheus with his Lyre the second one seems more correct as he was a Greek god, is my logic correct please ?
Have googled & found Orpheus with his lute also Orpheus with his Lyre the second one seems more correct as he was a Greek god, is my logic correct please ?
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.Lute was the consensus opinion a few days ago. http:// books.g oogle.c oks?id= AGZssi0 h0LgC&a mp;pg=P A77& ;lpg=PA 77& dq=orph eus+wit h+his+l ute+in+ the+und erworld &so urce=bl &ot s=MQViW nlLY9&a mp;sig= oMBvCc7 xsqJ-3L JizQs73 8M6ZMg& amp;hl= en& sa=X&am p;ei=tS JkUvfLE bOZ0QWR ioDwCQ& amp;ved =0CDIQ6 AEwAQ#v =onepag e&q =orpheu s%20wit h%20his %20lute %20in%2 0the%20 underwo rld& ;f=fals e
I think it's probably LOTE too, based on Vaughan Williams.
I assume orpheus and his PIPE doesn't fit?
http:// books.g oogle.c oks?id= ymokAAA AMAAJ&a mp;pg=P A322&am p;lpg=P A322&am p;dq=%2 2orpheu s+and+h is+pipe %22& ;source =bl& ;ots=V5 21LVkFo N&s ig=nUyF pREEmyu 3J-ZQ9K r2ivgsh RM& hl=en&a mp;sa=X &ei =jiVkUp -aJISih geF04Dg Dg& sqi=2&a mp;ved= 0CCwQ6A EwAA#v= onepage &q= %22orph eus%20a nd%20hi s%20pip e%22&am p;f=fal se
I assume orpheus and his PIPE doesn't fit?