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Christmassy Cryptic Quiz

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Maninblack | 15:01 Fri 06th Dec 2013 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
Three cryptic clues for things to do with Christmas:
1 If there is no flask, we can turn it into a crystal (9 letters)
2 He is coming, coming, come (7)
3 Rosebud (4 or 6 or 8)

Any help greatly appreciated.


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3) sled / sleigh / toboggan
15:03 Fri 06th Dec 2013
1) snowflake
3. Sleigh
3) sled / sleigh / toboggan
1 snowflake (anagram of no flask we)
2 - snowman ?
2 from Handel's Messiah?

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Christmassy Cryptic Quiz

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