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Zooopy42 | 22:07 Fri 06th Dec 2013 | Quizzes & Puzzles
25 Answers
Stuck on a Few!
1. 2=C for NZK
2. 5=L in a MS
3. 9=SR
4. 30= P in an OHC
5. 40= O in a Q
6. 1= IM of OD
7. 10=TF,TTT
8. 3=AI
10. 0=SBC in H

Thanks in advance for all help


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30pence in an old half crown
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Thanks Weecalf, just got no.10 also. snow balls chance in hell
5) 40 = Ounces in a Quart (fluid ounces)
2 . 5 lines in a music score
Sorry weecalf but your description is wrong. There were 8 half crowns in an 'old' pond making it equal tp twelve and a half pence now.
pond making it equal tp twelve and a half pence now.

should read

'pound making it equal to twelve and a half pence now.'

Fat fingers
Weecalf said "pence" in a half-crown, not half-crown in a pound?
Half crown was 2s 6p - 12p x 2 + 6p = 30p
Pennies rather then pence makes weecalf correct.
An old half crown was 2/6 which means 2 and a half shillings. There were 12 pence in an old shilling so 2/6 would be (2x12) +6=30. So weecalf IMO is correct.
Snap, jomlett!!
Puternut - weecalf is correct
An old half crown was worth 2s and 6d (that's 24 + 6 = 30 'old' pennies).
and you are also correct that the quivalent in new pence is 12½p.
1 Has it anything to do with New Zealand??
Apologies to one and all (esp weecalf) I - as usual - misread the answer.

[Goes to corner with 'D' hat on]
7 ten tiny fingers, ten tiny toes?
3 9=square root??
^ 9= square root of 3
But using 'pence' instead of 'pennies' seem to imply 'newpence' not 'old pennies'
No, 3 is square root of 9 :-(
I meant that pixie! (Had a few glasses of vino!)

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