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Names Of Trees

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tballrossi | 15:58 Mon 09th Dec 2013 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
87. sovereign ruled by Britain. fern or nut.
110. spread this black walnut on your bread.
105. market Britain joined in 1973, sounds like brace.


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105 Is there a Common Mace?
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105. i cant find a tree called common mace, also 110 there is the name of a tree in the question (black walnut) so not certain what he needs as the answer.
Seen that answered as butternut but Google thinks that's a white walnut
105 what about European Pear (pair)?
Question Author
got butternut for question 65. spread on from cream, coco shy.
European Pear also known as Common Pear
Aphids on a black walnut deposit a substance called honey-dew

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Names Of Trees

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