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The Movies

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Butterbun | 00:37 Thu 26th Dec 2013 | Quizzes & Puzzles
20 Answers
Find the name of the movie.
1. keep things moving(6)
2. Troublesome girl (8.4)
3. Very late wrangler (8.6)
4. In came St. George's friend (5.3.6)
Thank you for any help.


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3. Midnight Cowboy.
00:40 Thu 26th Dec 2013
3. Midnight Cowboy.
4. Enter The Dragon
2 Calamity Jane?
1 Grease?
1 Hustle?
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Thank you all for helping so quickly. Not being a movie fan I am a bit baffled.
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Could you help with a few more?

1. Thomas has a look (7.3)
2. Sweet place on south coast (3.4)
3. Sounds like - something you follow(6)
4. Nice men (10)
Thanks once again
1 Peeping Tom
4 Goodfellas
2 The Rock (Gibraltar)
3. Slightly iffy but.................Patten.
Not iffy at all
Ok, Scorpiojo, I'm high-fiving myself here, which isn't easy to do.
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Glasman, thank you, just found it. It's Patton but you pointeds me to the right path. Scorpiojo, thanks. You're so quick, I made a mistake with no. 2 the numbers should have been (8.4) sorry.
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High five anyway glasman, you deserve it.
Back to the drawing board then!

(The lol was to glasman!)
Brighton Rock
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Thanks again scorpiojo, I don't finish many without your help. :-)
Happy to help, Butterbun :-)

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