Sunday Times Crossword 4573 in The AnswerBank: Crosswords
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Sunday Times Crossword 4573

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WilliamRufus | 23:06 Sun 19th Jan 2014 | Crosswords
8 Answers
I'm stumped by several clues at the bottom left of the grid, including 21a What's furthest down flask in bag? (10) ????E???s? 25a One aqatic bird pecked another (7) ????E?? 19d Meeting house not available, right? (7) S?????R Help would be appreciated.
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25 Bittern
19d Seminar
21a) nethermost
19d) seminar
21 nethermost
Question Author
Thanks folks. Some neat clues by T. Moorey, I thought, especially 19d. Now I can go to bed with the puzzle completed hoping that I will at last win the ST gold pen.
Good luck!
I don't start on this crossword until mid-week, so I don't know whether you've already alues.
21a NETHERMOST (Flask = THERMOS; in bag NET)
25a BITTERN (bitten)
Not quite got the hang of this yet!
Beaten to the punch by a long way!

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Sunday Times Crossword 4573

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