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Derbyshire Wild Quiz

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Lindseth | 23:04 Tue 09th Aug 2005 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers

Need a word to go after one on left and before one on right to make two different species of wildlife

wood _________  tail

Any ideas?



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5d Yes Asia. Because = as.  A1, (the road) upwards = ia
15a Mahatma (M.A. hat  M.A.)

Sorry - this isn't where I thought I was posting.

However, Woodcock is a bird  and Cocktail is a horse of mixed breeding or one with a docked tail

But I think it's probably swallow
Marsh. You're probably correct with '****' as a swallow-tail is a jacket, I think.
I don't believe this censoring!
wood swallow is an australasin bird resembling a swallow, and swallow tail is a butterfly!
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Thanx all but having Googled a bit more I think it's mouse.

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