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Words backwards

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wideboy | 15:37 Wed 10th Aug 2005 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
Is there a name for a word which reads as another word backwards eg 'drawer' and 'reward' as in today's daily mail. (It isn't palindrome which should read the same backwards).


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astragal words
Was it a car or a cat I saw?
"drawer " & "reward": When a word reversal leads to a new word,  some refer to this as a "anadrome" - that is a cross between an anagram and a palindrome!
Isn't astragal a type of decorative moulding in architecture and furniture?
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Yes, it is a moulding but also lots of other things - astragal words seems to be right.
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Thanks all. Did you know that STRESSED is DESSERTS backwards (courtesy of today's Daily Mail cartoon strip).

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Words backwards

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