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tommythumb | 13:42 Thu 27th Mar 2014 | Quizzes & Puzzles
17 Answers
Please may I askfor help with the following:-
11. Following examination the first peerson gets on with the hearing . (8)
13. Backer has to use first gear in tortuous lane. (5)
21. ...but you need a protective covering to get a stage part. (5)
Many thanks in advance. Would be pleased to help anyone else with queries!


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21 apron
13 angel ........first Gear in lane
11 audit i on
If I may intrude on this thread please:
34. on-going panic (5,6) possibly chaos theory??
56. Gale (It could lead to a rather limp performance!) (5,1,3)
57. part of a theatre for cleric worried by attire (5,6)
65. .............but after the musical Penny is not for making up! (11)
93. Aimless rebels were represented on stage (3,10)
56 break a leg
93 --should have got that one sooner .........les mis.....
57 dress circle
57. Dress circle
93.Les Miserables
Les Miserables
34.Stage fright
Thank you everyone for helping me finish this quiz!
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Thanks everyone for help. I am now down to my last 5 if anyone can help!
25. Hear critical assessment of loosely constructed entertainment. (5)
27. US playwright, single, not in good health. (6)
53. Unintelligent muttering sounds fruity. (10)
61.A body is found at mid-afternoon in the thicket!. (6)
94. Insects found in the large space above 40. (5).
The answer to 40 is PR0SCENIUM i dont know if this helps! Thamks
27. M iller?
25.Revue (sounds like review)

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