May I please ask for a few more on this quiz as you are all so helpful & I am finding it such a struggle.
80 Where McCartney's band waited before performing (5)
81 ....and the place for the rest of the players (9)
82 Someone's biography included the comeback of the writer (5)
83 Mix into limeade - popular with women (7,4)
87 Grudging loan arranged for theatre which closed after horrific performances (5,7)
90 Family interrupted kiss!- but they did provide support in tragedy (7)
96 Oscar in make-up of a great Roman actor (7)
I would very much appreciate any help you can give me to finish this quiz, thanks in advance.
Thank you so very much scorpiojo & bibblebub for your very prompt & very helpful answers, wish I could give you both a Best Answer but that facility is not available, but I very much appreciate your help.