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Car Quiz

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Annievr | 20:45 Wed 30th Apr 2014 | Quizzes & Puzzles
12 Answers
Stumped on these last ones.. All answers lead to makes or types of car

1) Trustworthy (7 letters) starts with S
2) Thames Beyond Oxford (4) starts with I
3) Big Bottle For An Ice Cream (6) starts with M
4) Goods Container at Euston (12) starts with S
5) Mischievous Mendip Male (7 & 3) starts with H
6) Kings Supporter with Attitude (8) starts with C

Thank you


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5. Hillman Imp
4. Station Wagon?
5 Hillman Imp

2: isis
3: magnum
4: stationwagon
2. Isis
6. Cavalier.
2 Isis
1: sure about the S? 'cos Reliant would fit

The Morris Isis name was first briefly used by Morris Motors LImited on a six-cylinder car made from 1929 to 1931
Question Author
Thank you everyone. Very quick as usual.
Bibblebub - you are right... It is Reliant

Cheers all

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