Hi,scorpiojo, a couple of hours ago I was decluttering a drawer-in it I found a box full of newspaper cuttings, poems etc.One of the poems was the Child's Song in Spring-coincidence,eh? We learnt that poem in school, Never heard of the toothache tree- never stop learning.
Toothache Tree may refer to one of several American trees:
Aralia spinosa[1] (also called angelica tree, devil's walking stick, prickly ash)
Zanthoxylum clava-herculis (also called pepperwood, Southern prickly ash) or Zanthoxylum americanum (Northern prickly ash)
scorpiojo, I'm being really ruthless this time decluttering lol Found school notebooks from the 1940's,My Brownie badge and stripe (75 years ago), my Ami des Voluntaires Francais certificate (71 years ago).My mother was a hoarder so a lot of stuff came to me when she died. Also found a postcard sent to Mum in the 1940's with he King's Message on it-might be of interest to a collector. Must admit some things are back in the drawer!!