Observer Everyman in The AnswerBank: Crosswords
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Observer Everyman

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dafyddapgwilym | 14:42 Sun 11th May 2014 | Crosswords
11 Answers
13d: Miserly person embarrassed current collector.
Last one, and it must be CHEAPSKATE (?H?A?S?A?E) but I can't parse the "embarrassed current collector" bit...
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Seen answered by Mamyalynne as Embarrassed = Cheap, current collector = skate (as on electric train)
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Thank you for the help. Not unduly impressed by that clue. Hey-ho...
I don't like it much either (the cheap part) I would be very happy for my parse to be bettered.
10a A Parisian doesn't like to poach? I have "aspirate" but don't get the reason. Help!
As pirate
pirate = poach
the French don't pronounce their "h's" so (h)as + pirate
Embarrassed = cheap
Current collector = skate (a device under an electric train to collect electricity)
10a: listen carefully, i shall say this only once - ze french don't like to pronounce an H at ze start of un word

It's taken a week to work out ?????
the 10a clu eis in the today's crossword, Southsean appended it to a week old thread

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