Hi,elliemay,in two of my dictionaries Aspen is given as an answer to timorous-that's why I thought it fitted the clue.Perhaps ronreid will come back to explain what he meant.
I think that's a better answer than mine,scorpiojo-Must admit I'd never heard of Asch till I saw it in a list! Like ronreid I wasn't sure of aspen either.Hope he comes back to let us know what he means. Anyway I need to go off to bed now,Guid Nicht.
Good morning,elliemay1,I take it that's Gaelic.I always intended to learn(or try to) Gaelic but never got round to it-know several languages including Doric lol.Too old now to learn a new one! Lovely day here-off soon on a drive round Loch Earn to Callander.