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Bird Names

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OlderButNotWiser | 11:34 Sat 17th May 2014 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
I have one answer left in local quiz to do with birds, all the other answers have been names of birds, but this one is eluding me, maybe its a birding term or something to do with bird watching!!

The letters given are S I T you then have to add another letter and from those four letters re-arrange for the answer.

Yes I know the obvious answer, but without too long an explanation I really need it to be either an H or F as they form part of another answer in the quiz.
If anybody has understood all this maybe you could help!!!


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Definitely not 5 letters - swift?
Otis looks good. The Bustard genus.
not going to be an anagram of sit with h or f is it?
Not unless it's excrement, ael.
whats the other answer?
Question Author
I am liking the answer SWIFT, as with other local quizzes I have done, there is sometimes a typing error, as all the other answers are very well known names, I think I might go with that as it does give me the letter F that I needed.
Thanks for your help.

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Bird Names

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