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Medicinal Confound

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catgullyarha | 05:18 Wed 04th Jun 2014 | Quizzes & Puzzles
28 Answers
medical quiz [ connected with medicine. some music and films]
no4/ a musical cure for the blues? [6,4 ]
no50/final words! [8]
no8/ commercial cross! [7]
no43/choice catalogue? [10]


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4) johnny cash ;) just bumping it up for you. I want to know the answers.
4 Doctor Jazz? (Harry Connick Jr)
43: specialist ?
8 may begin with AD
50 Farewell fits but I don't see any link with medicine
50 does vitamins work??
(Vita + amens?)
8 adenoid?
Good one, mallyh x
adenoid looks good- ad+ annoyed
50 hormones probably sounds roughly like amens with some accents.
43 something tract?
I agree with SPECIALIST for 43 (sounds like special +list)
some good answers. trouble with these sort of questions is there's no definitive answers, at least till they're submitted.
sorry bibblebub didn't see you answer for 43 x
50 Appendix
So obvious when you see it. Good one, scorpiojo
Unless it's ADDENDUM - used if the doctor is dictating additional information about the patient.
Thanks, factor
I think appendix would be better?

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Medicinal Confound

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