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Lizzies Quizzes.

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furrypusscat | 13:35 Fri 11th Jul 2014 | Quizzes & Puzzles
16 Answers
Firstly, I am not asking for the answer, hence no question. However, for those doing this quiz I just wanted to know if the letter count on 8b should be 10 letters not 9 as setter has stated. Not sure if setter comes on AB to see this post.


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Only received this quiz today. Looking quickly on the "net" I can see web sites where the same answer to 8b is spelt with 9 and 10 letters.
Question Author
Thank you. I also only got mine today, that is the reason I didn't put the actual question so not to get bombarded with answers. Thanks though for confirmation.
Hi,furrypusscat,could you tell me the closing date for this quiz,please? I sent a Lizzies Quizzes off a while back so I was wondering if this is a new one.If you tell me the clue for 8b it might ring a bell-I won't give you the answer lol
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Hi quinie, It is a new one, arrived this morning, had sent sae & cheque with last quiz. C/d - 27th September.
Thanks but have got 8b, just questioning letter count but can be spelt a few different ways.
Thanks.furrypusscat.I haven't seen it in the Ed's list.Would you give me the address etc so that I can send for it please ? I love these quizzes.
Lizzes Quizzes (14)

Liz Hardy
27 Whitecross
St Ives
PE27 6DR


Cheques payable to Macmillan Cancer Support. Thank you.

Closing date 27th September 2014
Question Author
SAE plus £1 cheque payable to Macmillan Cancer Support to Liz Hardy. 27 Whitecross, St. Ives. Cambs. PE27 6DR.

Question Author
Thanks Mamyalynne, I was checking my cheque stubs to find who payable to. I can never remember.
Well we agree so that's fine.
Thank you,Mamyalynne and furrypusscat. Sorry for being so long replying-I'm trying to get some quizzes finished- stumped in one clue in two quizzes -may have to ask for help but not yet! Thanks again.
Posted a request for the quiz at 9.30am . Returned from shopping to find the last quiz returned and a copy of the new one! Would you believe it?-I lost a half mark -put gate instead of gait after finding the answer. Can't wait to start the new one.
Question Author
Oh well quinie, you will have two chances when you get the 2nd copy. Good Luck.
Hi,furrypusscat,The one Liz sent was a pay on entry so she probably won't send me another one. I see ditloids are included this time- no22 doesn't have a number in it -is that ok?

for number 22 - - that should be a 4, not an F
Thank you, excelsior-1.Now to get back to the quiz!
Question Author
Thanks for that, I didn't know there was an amendment.

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