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dozyrozy | 21:21 Thu 17th Jul 2014 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers
Taper after village (10)
Any help appreciated.
I do have an idea but can't justify it.
Thank you


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What other answers have you? Are they fabrics or any type of material?
candlewick (if the other way round)
Thought of that too but, as you say, it's the wrong way round.
...and Wick isn't a village :-)
Wick, Gloucestershire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wick is a village in South Gloucestershire, England. It is the main settlement in the civil parish of Wick and Abson. It is situated on the A420 between Bristol and Chippenham, south of the Cotswolds. The River Boyd flows through the old village, with its watermeadows facing St. Bartholomew's ...
What was your idea, dozyr?
Wick is an archaic term for a village or hamlet
I stand corrected elliemay1 - a bit like burning your candle at both ends? :-)
Question Author
sorry to be so long elliemay1. My thought was candlewick, thinking of wick as the taper but could not see where candle fitted in as a village.

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