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gwinearman | 20:04 Fri 01st Aug 2014 | Quizzes & Puzzles
17 Answers
2 AP
G 2 S
5 OS
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Two a penny?
Goody two shoes?
5 o'clock shadow
Sorry for interruption gwinearman,Hi quinie you got through your first week I see, how was it?
Thanks for that last answer,vakayu Bit apprehensive the first day but fine now,thank you. Hope you're keeping well.x
Sorry,Sam1960-had a senior moment there -thank you for the answer1
I do not have to endure what you have quinie so mustn't complain,hope all goes well for you and a good outcome to look forward to,making it worthwhile,take care.x Pity our good weather has gone(for now I hope)I could get quite used to that!
Another apology for interruption do hope quinie you continue to make progress & keep well & positive. Have husband in hospital again he went for an assessment & fished up after collapsing in A & E, blood clots on lungs & A F.
Keep well x
So sorry to hear about your husband,birdie.Hope he makes a good recovery. It must be so worrying for you- he's had such a bad time healthwise lately.My thoughts are with you too-hope you're keeping well..Thank you for you kind wishes.I'm thinking positive and I've got good support. Take care xxx
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Sorry ,methyl,you're right of course but probably wouldn't have seen a post from vakayu on Chatterbox-seldom go there.
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Well, how rude can you be? I have as much right to be here as you do.

However, it is now time for me to retire for the night, so I shall go. I am quite prepared to continue this little spat tomorrow, if you wish.
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