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tiffy | 13:05 Sat 02nd Aug 2014 | Quizzes & Puzzles
39 Answers
could someone help please?
no 1 where something is made which does its job 5 letters
no2 man or piece of equipment in the kitchen 6 letters
no3 normal- as set by nature 7 letters
they all can have the word gas in front or after answer
many thanks tiffy


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3 natural
13:08 Sat 02nd Aug 2014
1 plant?
3 natural
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thank you tilly2 sounds good my brain seems to be asleep at the moment thanks tiffy
2 boiler?
2 Cooker ?
2.Calor gas
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to tilly2 thank you again I think that is definitely right thank you tiffy
Not certain about plant. I'll keep thinking.
Ignore that, can't count
3 Natural?
who's a boiler, lol?
No 2 has 'man' in the clue. Boiler man. Boiler. Gas boiler.
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thank you all so much they are all good answers and so quick thanks tiffy
oh aye. ;)
You're welcome, tiffy.
Are you chatting? ;-)
No, jo. Not allowed. Methyl says.
Methyl's not here .....
He will find us.
Oi, no chit chat !.

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