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Summer Quiz

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jim45 | 10:56 Sat 30th Aug 2014 | Quizzes & Puzzles
13 Answers
Some help needed please ,all answers are connected with summer holidays .
no. 11 Two's company [6]
no. 32 Use this to hold your clubs [8]
no. 50 Felines fall in a heap [8]
Thanks for any suggestions .


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what is the answer to number 2 it might help with no 11(e g if 2 is spade 11 could be bucket )
11:58 Sat 30th Aug 2014
32 Suitcase
50 postcard
anagram of cats drop
11. Seen as bikini
50 Haystack ? I think I prefer this to Postcard Factor .

I don't see where heap comes in Postcard unless it is the Anagram indicator ?
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Many thanks emeritus ,factor- fiction and Jomlett .I already have bikini as an answer to the clue It could be an itsy bitsy teeny weeny polka dot one ,any other suggestions please ?
what is the answer to number 2 it might help with no 11(e g if 2 is spade 11 could be bucket )
50 I'd go POSTCARD

Felines = CATS
Fall = DROP

In a heap = all mixed up
Sorry FF - didn't read all answers before putting my foot in it!
I think heap is probably an anagram indicator. I can see CATS backwards in haySTACk but I can't see where the hayk bit comes from. I know a haystack is a heap but I don't see why they'd give the STAC bit but not the HAYK
My turn to say sorry Captain- yours wasn't there when I started
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grateful thanks Captain2 ,factor-fiction and mallyh ,the answer to number two is spade ,so it is obvious ,now you have pointed it out to me that the answer to number eleven is bucket .
glad to help and thankyou x

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