Politics6 mins ago
All Creatures Great And Small
12 Answers
1. Geppetto owned one of these in a 1940 disney film thought cat ?
2. an animal said to commit suicide
2. an animal said to commit suicide
https:// www. google. co. uk/ search? q= Cleo+ Disney& amp; oq= Cleo+ Disney& aqs= chrome.. 69i57j0l5. 8677j0j4& sourceid= chrome& es_ sm= 93& amp; ie= UTF- 8
20:11 Wed 18th Mar 2015
1. Fish (of indeterminate breeding!):
http:// images2 .fanpop .com/im ages/qu iz/1960 00/1962 02_1240 5632872 75_400_ 300.jpg
1. cat (yes)
http:// en.wiki pedia.o rg/wiki /Figaro _%28Dis ney%29
. . . but she (Cleo) was probably a goldfish ;-)
http:// www.ill ustrati oncours e.com/w p-conte nt/uplo ads/201 3/10/Pi nocchio -pinocc hio-494 7895-96 0-720.j pg