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Symbolized Arguments In Ethics

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Alyann | 17:05 Wed 09th Dec 2015 | Quizzes & Puzzles
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You couldn't be a bit more precise, could you?
17:06 Wed 09th Dec 2015
You couldn't be a bit more precise, could you?
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The question is supply the missing line to the symbolized argument.
Argument reads as follows.

~B u side ways (A u side ways B)
~B space. / ~ A
---------- ------- this is were the answer goes

A. A u side ways B 1,2,MP
B. B u side ways A. 1,2, mp
C.A u side ways B. 1,2, MT
D. A u side ways B. 1,2, HS
What quiz is it please? I'm struggling to follow what type of puzzle it is
You need to read the lines as sentences but I'm unfamiliar with the use of '/' as a logical symbol, which makes it hard for me to make sense of what you've written. (If nobody here can help, you'll need to refer to your textbooks for the definitions of the notational form that being used here).

As I read it though, your first line says this:
~B ⊃ (A ⊃ B)
which appears to read as:
If B is not true then it implies that (if A is true it implies that B is true).

However I'm struggling to make sense of that because:
(a) it doesn't seem to make a great deal of sense ;
(b) you might be using a different notational system to the one that I'm (vaguely) familiar with ; and
(c) it's about 40 years since I studied symbolic logic as part of my maths degree. (Symbolic logic is on the boundary between mathematics and philosophy; Lewis Carroll was an expert on it).

Further, I'm unfamiliar with the capital/lower-case notation that you seem to be using with 'MP', 'mp', etc. However, as with ALL mathematics, symbolic logic can only ever make sense if you read it as SENTENCES in the English language. So you need to refer to your textbooks, to find out the meaning of the symbols that you're using, and then construct VERBAL sentences from the question.

Sorry I can't help further!

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Symbolized Arguments In Ethics

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