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Quiz In Aid Of The Alzheimer's Society

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Islegal | 12:28 Fri 05th Feb 2016 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
In the Colours/Shades Section:
Q.16. A Vegetable (9) - The answer is classed as a fruit in the dictionary so 'a vegetable' could be misleading.
Q.35. A metal and a tree (5,5) - The letters should read (6,5).
I apologise for my mistakes!


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35.Copper beech?
Thank you for the corrections.
Sorry for asking, but are you involved with the setting of the clues, and telling us that there are errors?
35 silver birch?
Unfortunately this has been worded to look like a query when it isn't.
It fooled me,lol
Easy mistake , no harm done really.

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Quiz In Aid Of The Alzheimer's Society

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