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Find The Lady

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dozyrozy | 18:58 Thu 18th Feb 2016 | Quizzes & Puzzles
26 Answers given to a large petrel (5)
2.familiar name for an elastic sided boot (6)
3. a kind of pigeon, a bluetit, a moth and an old name for a spinning top
4fictional detective, an inexpensive partner in crime
No numbers given for 3&4
5 In Scotland a cap for curing a smoking chimney.
Have being researching for weeks and would appreciate any help you can give.
Thank you


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3 Nun
4 Tuppence? - Tommy & Tuppence (Agatha Christie)
5 Cow
5 Granny?
1 booby
1 giant
2 chelsea
1 Nelly
Forget chelsea!
Question Author
Sorry No5 is (3.4)letters
^^I thought that Tilly but it is 7 letters
2 slip-on
nelly better than booby :-)
5 Old Wife
5. old wife
Question Author
Just found last 2.
6. In literature she was burned and spurned.
7.An animal that has been dehorned.
and No 2.
Many thanks for brilliant quick responses
7 polled
7 Poll
6 Joan of Arc?
2 Jemima
^ignore Joan of Arc - not literature. Do you know how many letters for that one?

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