Pitcherwits in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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alison43331 | 16:47 Thu 28th Apr 2016 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers

1D) The Pilot's just won! (7, 4) V?C??R? ???L - Think it may be Victory Roll, but don't know why

14D) Maths Group is not the cosiest (5 LETTERS) C???T

16A) Toss and Turn around((but still boots out))(5 LETTERS) C???T


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1, victory roll
Victory roll
14 coset
I think you repeated the pattern for 14d, alison, rather than put teh coorrect pattern for 16a- retrocop's OUSTS looks good
Ehen pilots shoot down the enemy they do a vic roll over home airfield before landing

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