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rainbow No61

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olivia | 17:20 Tue 11th Oct 2005 | Quizzes & Puzzles
13 Answers
I'm realy struggling with No.61 I've tried Churchill but thats obviously wrong, I've tried a site with famous owners of dogs, no luck, any clues?


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Look at the number pattern (letters in answer) and think of the theme.
The leader you are looking for suffered from depression which he described as a black dog

You could also tackle it from another angle.

Have you heard of 'High Force' in Upper Teesdale?

Question Author
thanks quizmonkey,mahonia and gen2, I must have been on the right track with the wartime general, gen2 gave me the final link, by the way I have walked the pennine way so do know High Force
Question Author
I'm working on question 9, I have got as far as Harry Wragg riding Watling Street in the Derby, but stiil can't find the connection with 3. 4. 6. am I missing something
another horse in the derby
Question Author
sorry goofy I've search all the sites I can find to get the horse which is obviously the answer to No. 9, can you help any further?
It is only academic after 7 answers but it might be comforting to know that The Head waiter was not a winning horse but Harry Wraggs nickname !
Question Author
thanks magic 1, it looks as though I had the answer all the time, someone mislead me with the suggestion it was another horse, or am I still up the wrong track?
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re 12 is the name for day labourer peon, if not any help?
RE: no.60.  If you have a look at the map of Labrador it might help you with this.  perhaps you have already done that ! ?
Sorry amend to read 61
Question Author
yes magic1 I,ve done 61, did you get 50 after my leading you astray. I think I have the correct answer to 71 but I cant see where the skinhead reference comes in.

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rainbow No61

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