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Dwelling Places

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jackfinder | 15:12 Sun 01st Oct 2017 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
I am stuck with this last one, any help will be appreciated.
1. Many more than 4 quarters here.(8 ) Thank you.


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The actual clue on several other threads has also included a number 8 which has caused some head scratching
Many more than 4 quarters here 8 (8 )
Answer to 8 was villa.
The 8 may be a setter's error though.
Seen as barracks, hostelry and tenement. Barracks is most likely in my opinion
Thanks for that ff.
8 has been shown as part of the clue, as ff rightly says. I have wondered if the 8 could relate to the eighth letter H. Apart from Maze Prison is there any other living in places in 'H' form.
Yes, I wondered if the answer ended in H- a seven letter word plus an H to form an 8 letter word. I couldn't think of one though. But I think it's more likely that the 8 is just the letter count and was included twice in error
ff Yes, although other posters have confirmed the 8 is part of the clue, but still could be an error. Seems strange jackfinder leaves it out.
Is there an 8 in the clue before the 8 in brackets on your quiz sheet please jackfinder?

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