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Chatteris Brownies Tv Quiz And Game Shows.

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bigmoma | 14:44 Sat 14th Apr 2018 | Quizzes & Puzzles
11 Answers
Could anyone help please, Thank you in advance. No 1 Get this at a rocket launch, 9 letters. No2 Steeple or paper, 3 and 5 letters.


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1 countdown
2 the chase
2 The Chase
2.The Chase
The Chase
Can I have the details of how to obtain the quiz please tia
Assuming that the details are the same this month as they've been on countless previous months, Fibonacci's post here has the relevant details:
As the closing date has passed, I don't think I will bother. Thought it was a new quiz
The post I've directed you to does, indeed, refer to an OLD quiz. I simply used that post to give you the postal and email addresses. The 'TV Quiz and Game Shows Quiz' has only just come out and is nowhere near the final date.
This is the new quiz - you were just being directed to a post with the contact details.
Thank you

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Chatteris Brownies Tv Quiz And Game Shows.

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