Good morning everyone - well i spoke too soon, didn't I !! Now we've got hot, overcast and the possibility of rain ...thank heavens the humidity hasn't arrived with it, just makes it bearable, but too much of this and I'll be retiring to hibernate in the ice box early this year !!
Well all i can say about the links is that we found them all !!
Summer Pudding
Stamp Duty
Wool Pack
Crown Green
And the very clever lady who scored the two Bonus Points for selecting the odd and obscure was MAMYALYNNE who matched Crown Green and was the only one to do so.....well done, mamya !!
The only player to collect three points for matching two was BUTTERBUN,
Which goes to show points were not easily come by this week ( again)
So Congratulations to all the points scorers for this week, we still have two more rounds in which to make inroads on the score sheets, I hope to see you all back next Saturday to begin the assault !! Till then, stay safe, and Cheers, Steff.
Sometimes it does pay to think outside the triangle .....sometimes, but not often !!
On the other hand, I think I've been hard done by ......when you see what Kate could have put as the match for Crown instead of Green in the Herculis !!
Hi there, 1ozzy .....suddenly got a whole lot warmer but should cool down fairly soon !!
Mr Seekz isn't doing too badly, thank you ....he's a lot more active, and starting to eat more, though swallowing still gives him trouble. We both know it will be a long haul but at least he's more positive about it.