Food On the Memu - all answers are items of food and meals:
5. For this meal, coil fuse wire with care (2)
15. Shapes made by red headed baker? (2) - Ginger something??
24. He is put into the pram by the sea
25. Appears that I'm surounded by small angry insects!
35. A droop in the narrow road?
36. Is there an aquatic creature in this type of dish? (2)
37. Dispatching drums around here is seasonal (2)
38. we stir his pot around and produce a tasy dish (2)
52. Is it a very small dessert?
60. Careful, if you stir too much it will be overdone!
64. Do the girls group make these?
66. The kernel got exposed to great heat (2)
75. India bird? Oh, no it's not! (2)
78. Get's confused, re ships in coast (2)
You're all brilliant. Well done. Never would have got the samphire one. The only one I;m still trying to get it is 5 - For this meal, coil fuse wire with care (2)