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Fizzler38 | 17:32 Fri 04th Jan 2019 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
A quiz with all answers ending in -CH. I have one left, I think, but it's evading me (although I have a possibility). The clue is "The 22nd showed you weren't crazy", 5 letters. I can only think it would be MARCH, but cannot find a reason for this. Any suggestions greatly appreciated. Thank you.


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Welcome to AnswerBank. Site guidelines ask posters to put the name of the quiz and the closing date when posting quiz questions.

What is Q22 in this quiz - answer might refer to it ?
Is there a question 22?

If so what is the answer
Catch (Catch 22) ?
Sorted, well done.
It's not a local quiz, unless you live in Sandy. It's the Rotary Club of Sandy quiz, closing date 12 January 2019.
Welcome to AB Fizzler, you've done well to only need help with your last one.

Good luck.
Question Author
Apologies for not posting as required (I'm new to this). I just looked at how others had asked previously. No offence intended. It is the Rotary Club Quiz (picked it up at the Sandy Lights switch on), closing date is 12th. I looked at Q22 but the answer I have is Stomach, and couldn't work a connection. Thanks for the suggestion of Catch, that's inspired.

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