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The K M Links Game - January Week 2

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seekeerz | 02:22 Sat 12th Jan 2019 | Quizzes & Puzzles
63 Answers
Good morning everyone - well we're headed for a few rather hot days here, needless to say we have people on cycles racing around the hills and suburbs through all of it ...I'll be watching from the comfort of my lounge !!

Interesting little bunch for us ......


As always, everyone is very welcome to join in - just be sure to post your entry before midnight Sunday, and after posting, do please check that your entry does appear, and also that it says what you intended.

I have the feeling this month is going to go by very quickly ....who knows why, but it does we had better get our skates on and consolidate our scores or in some cases, just get off the mark with this round and so ....

Good Luck to Us All and we will be underway ........



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Mushroom soup
Wind Sock
Speed well
Range Rover
Stuffed mushroom
Booby sock
Average speed
Rocket range
Sorry! That ^^ should be Bobby sock

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The K M Links Game - January Week 2

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