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Scrabble Word

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kenny1234 | 20:48 Thu 28th Feb 2019 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
Someone played the word QUO the other day---it wasn't allowed on the scrabble website,yet in a dictionary website ,it was there! Anyone explain please?


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An explanation here from the guy who was runner-up in the 2014 World Scrabble Championship:
22:01 Thu 28th Feb 2019
If it isn't in Collins dictionary it won't be allowed.
If you are playing by official rules then it needs to be an official Scrabble word.
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I have just gone on to the Collins dict. site --it is there---and yet not allowed if I go on the official Scrabble site----still confused!
I think it is only used in a phrase such as status quo or quid pro quo, not able to be used on it's own.
An explanation here from the guy who was runner-up in the 2014 World Scrabble Championship:
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Many thanks everyone--I shall keep the explanation that buenchico got from the runner up guy.

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