Raising funds for Freddie's Fight. #FreddiesFight. Children's film characters, entries £1, from#FreddiesFight, c/o Mrs E Pennock, Panorama, Kilburn, North Yorkshire, YO61 4AG.
cheques payable to Solving Kid's Cancer. closing date 31st July 2019. 1st prize £15 voucher
for use in most high street stores. Three year old Freddie Thompson has been diagnosed
with a rare, aggressive cancer called Neuroblastoma. they are trying to raise £250,000
to send Freddie to America for a vaccine that is currently unavailable in the UK.you can follow the story at; #FreddiesFight. thank you for purchasing this quiz and helping to send Fredie to America, the quiz is not available by e-mail. charity no 1135601.