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Save The Children 2019 Spring Quiz 10/5

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poodledoo | 11:36 Fri 29th Mar 2019 | Quizzes & Puzzles
10 Answers
4)Container + meadow in Shropshire (6)
6)Container + Irish dog in Shetland (9)
8)Containers + River Crossing in Northamptonshire(8)
Answers are names of places inGB which have a container in.
2)Rhyming words speedy & succeed.........I need both words please. e.g bite/fight


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4. Bagley
6. Vatsetter
8. Pitsford
Please can you help me with
1. Container + line in County Durham(6)
5. Lad + container in Angus(7)
Question Author
thank you for your answers. 1)Jarrow 5)Boysack.
and thank you for yours, sorry cannot help with your other I still need that as well
2. Fleet (speedy) and Meet (succeed)
def 10
"..If you meet something such as a problem or challenge, you deal with it satisfactorily or do what is required"
Question Author
thank you JJ.
I have Housetter - also a place in the Shetlands - and an actual village, not a loch. Now what's the answer??
I would go with Vatsetter (a Hou is not a container)
No, I agree that Hou is not a container, but 'House' is, and this links with 'setter'. So you think this is too obscure/clever?
I would still go with Vatsetter Trussell. If you use "House" as the container, then the dog must be the remaining letters "tter" and a "tter" is not a dog. You have used the "se" twice! You either have
Hou + setter or House + tter
Neither fit, so I would go with Vatsetter!
Thank you very much for your advice, jj109, much appreciated.

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Save The Children 2019 Spring Quiz 10/5

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