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Jude123 | 17:38 Sun 13th Nov 2005 | Quizzes & Puzzles
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Can somebody please give me that answer to 11 ac.

In the former USSR etc.....



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First of all let me thank everybody for your Good Wishes on our 6oth W.A. I am now walking in the same circles as jno i.e. after a phone call to Buckingham Palace (made by daughter) we have received a Congratulatory Letter and Photo of the Queen and also one from the Governor -General of Australia and one from our Prime Minister on the occasion of Our Diamond...
00:24 Wed 04th Aug 2010
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Hello biddybuddies. I'm sorry some of you are feeling a bit off colour and can't seem to get motivated. I hardly like to tell you but I seem to be full of energy at the mo and feel better lately than I have for quite a while so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I hope you pick up again soon.
Get to the medico Neti. It sounds like your leg needs attention.

All the best for tomorrow Mr S. Thinking about you both Shaney. x

Changing the subject. I'm having a problem with Java. I have it downloaded and it is in my control panel. But it doesn't apply when I'm on a site where it is required. It tells me I haven't got it but i know it's there cos I've seen it. I've checked all the instructons and it is enabled. Anybody any ideas before I call in (you'd better believe it) my computer man!

It's a lovely evening here and I'm sitting with the backdoor open and looking out on to my now getting ever greener grass. Oh yes and I now have a new blackbird friend who comes every morning. It isn't my Blackie with the white feather. This one is a bit more timid and wont come to feed unless I am sitting at the table eating my breakie. Little devil. But I'm gradually moving the dish a bit nearer each day so you never know.

Off to wash me pots. No such luxuries like a dishwasher here. Only me!

Later 'gater(s)
I've had a slow day here too..sort of piddled at odd jobs but not really done much. I think its the weather....rainy which is lovely but humid and oppressive too.
Will be thinking of you and Mr S tomorrow.
There's a lot of anti elderly threads on here tonight, well two actually. I have changed my avatar back specially and and going to hit them all with my umbrella.

I am working at becoming a very nasty old person and enjoying it. Age has it's benefits - I can now stick two fingers up at people and put it down to being an eccentric old granny grump.

Night, night everybody.
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Night Lotty You're not an old Granny grump. You're lovely. I have more confidence now that I'm old than I've ever had. when I was young I wouldn't say boo to a goose but now Stand Back anybody who has a go at me.
Night Night All. See you tomoz !!
Yo skin sisters..
Tinking about you shaney...and mr shaney.Im gonna prey tonight fer you both.I havent got a clue if I believe ...but I respect those who do.
keep on trucking mr shaney.
Vinny, by me God loves an honest man. I reckon he's a west country man too so you should be okay and if there isn't a pub or two in heaven then I'm not going.

Usual stuff, dogs snoring, me about to join them. Woke up with the beginnings of a migraine this morning so have now taken painkillers and coffee and am waiting for them to kick in before getting head down.
Will keep Shaney and Mr S in my thoughts today.
Thinking of you Shaney and Mr.S. Faith heals all things .^^^hugs^^
Good luck mr s and shaney!
Morning all, it's lovely sunshine & no one deserves to be going through anything horrible on a day like this. Thinking of you & Mr S shaney.

Jude you'll probably find you acquire lots of new blackbirds for the winter, there'll be this year's new families & the word seems to get around that there's good food to be had! Mine are fairly few at the moment & they always go timid after the summer but they'll be banging their cheeky beaks on the window by November.

I like the words to this one, (and I know shaney loves ELO too) just when you think you're drowning someone throws you a line...I'd be quite happy for someone to throw me a cotton thread right now, haha...
Thinking of you Mrs and Mrs Shaney. I'll just echo Vinny's lovely words. Bless you.
(Another ELO lover here)
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Good morning all. I couldn't have said it better than what Vinny said either Shaney. Thinking about you both. X
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Thanks for the blackbird tips Robi. I have to think of a name for him now. Isn't it a lovely morning. I'm off to JS with a list as long as me arm.
Later 'gater(s)
good luck with the investigations for Mr S. And anyone else who has any, though I don't seem to have any medical appoointments myself today, which is remarkable, and Mr Sun is shining down on my garden repair job, which is good. Some tits are feeding from the bird feeder. I've dangled some red ribbon round it, which is supposed to keep pigeons away, but I'll believe it when I see it. It is one of these


minus the squirrel, of course, but some of the pigeons seem to have giraffe genes and can actually stretch their necks through and get the feed while furiously flapping wings to keep themselves steady. I expect the flapping uses up more energy than they are getting from the feed, so that'll learn 'em.
Don't forget to ram at least 3 peoples ankles with ya trolley Jude!

haha, love the 'squirrel proof' feeder've tied red ribbon to it? Are you expecting to attract hummingbirds instead?

Well I'm taking grumpy to new heights today, I've had to spring clean half the kitchen just because I decided to fling some milk around...under the microwave, off the worktop, into the most awkward corner...What is it they say? No use crying over spilt milk?...what a load of bollards! whoever said it didn't have my joints....pah!...mumble....grumble...
oh I've only taken a plate out of the dishwasher that somehow got right way up and filled with water, so that was only about 3 minutes mopping up, a mere bagatelle.
When Mr LL loads the dishwasher (rarely these days) there are often things full of water, or things where the water hasn't touched them. I have nagged him so often which is why he probably doesn't load it any more.
ELO here too!!!!

As you may remember I do have a dishwasher but it's put on the back patio and just too much bother to fill a big bowl with the accumulated plates etc and trail it there, so only use it for Xmas ad the occasional Sunday lunch in winter. I did ask MrN several times to move it into my tiny kitchen but he c o c k e d a deafen!

Well I battled a tiget spider on my washing line this am, and I won!!!


but they bite so one has to be careful!!

Have decided to boil all my white underclothes. Robi one of my pet hates is drying washing on an airer when I have so much land to use, I only did it when living in a flat in North London! so I solve the problem of discoloured undies by buying new ones from M&S every year, but I never throuw the old ones out (I hoard them as they used to be so precious over here and expensive!) so of course the new ones gets shoved to the back of the drawers (ha ha get the pun!) and I continue to wear the old ones, < note to self, never get run over when wearing old ones! >
that's teh way, neti. surround them with fotolia and they don't know which way to go
I do the same Neti, buy new knicks and bras and don't get rid of the old ones. Then leave the new ones for best and going out, but as I don't do best and going out very often these days, I end up wearing the old knicks. And all my knicks are the same plain cotton black or white and occasionally spotty. Don't do glamorous!!

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