A few clues left
4ac Half of Dundee is in dish, which ought to be enough to pacify the complainant (7) P?A????
8ac Clearly can’t see what’s on back cover when beginning of book is missing (4) ?L?? looks like BLOT!!!
11ac Sounds like what fashion models strike for may put them end to end, or side by side (6) A???S?
2dn There’s almost nothing odd to be said about operatic heroine (5) N???A
6dn Sounds like waists for A-cups (9) ??R???I?S
7dn At end of page, pink paper names Mr Gingrich, in other words (3) ??T. Could it be NEW from NEWT!!!
19dn Reprimand one for upsetting local before unexpected visit from police (7) U?B?A?E . Looks like UMBRAGE, but can’t explain.