Simple problem . . . in The AnswerBank: Technology
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Simple problem . . .

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gln121 | 11:44 Mon 21st Nov 2005 | Technology
2 Answers
This is no doubt an extremely simple problem to solve, but as they say "it's simple once you know how!!". I am editing a letter in works and as I type the next letters are being deleted, I've had this problem before on e-mails and just cannot find the solution which I am sure is so simple I shouldn't be allowed near a compter again!! Many thanks in advance.
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You've got your insert key turned off and are now in overwrite mode, I can't remember with Works but in Word there is a box at the bottom of the screen that has OVW highlighted in it. Just press the insert key once and you should be ok.
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Thank you Fitzer, I had just spoken to a friend who knew the simple answer and yes there is a OVW box in the bottom corner. Thanks very much for your response.

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