This is a question and answer site and if you want to ask that is what the site is for.
The only thing that we should ask you to do is place the full name of the quiz "rainbow quiz etc etc" and the date in the title. That way if people want to do the quiz themselves, it is their problem as there will then be no need for them to click on your question.
Thanks to all of you would responded to my request for help on questions 2 and 98 in the Rainbow Quiz on Trees. I am half way through and got really stuck. I thought asking for help on a couple might remove the mental block!
Got the answer for no 2 now and just seeing what comes from my Pershing a couple of your suggestions. Robertwilliam
You forgot Spotty Dog that there are people who will have downloaded it and have all the answers but won't be paying to enter so they won't mind how soon it is asked
Indeed, smouse and it is people asking questions on this site that keeps it going. Nobody should deter people from asking otherwise this site would not exist.