Spectator 2456 in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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Spectator 2456

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Matakari | 07:53 Fri 08th May 2020 | Quizzes & Puzzles
10 Answers
Answers for the following, please ! Thanks in advance!

ACROSS: 11 Ban on cats, dogs, etc about to be crushing (6, two words)
19 Devastate teacher before period (6): ?A??G? (RAVAGE? )
28 Carnal love defiled old sacred text (7):A?C?R?N
31 Place in Ireland good, invariably ancient (6) For verification: begins with G and ends with Y?

DOWN: 5 Type of recording free at dance (8, hyphened): O??MA???
7 Unfavourable, dropping ad jingle (5): E?R?P
8 In leader’s absence, fetches bands (5): E?N?S
10 Milton’s gang, merciless, allowed no latitude (4): ?R??
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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19. Yes, Rav+Age
7 Verse
28 Alcoran
31 Yes
5 Your M and A are incorrect.
8 Your E is wrong.
yes, RAV = 'teacher'
Question Author
Many thanks,Professor and Neveracrossword, for your help! Now looking at the unclueds and find that 1(A) does not seem to be "so American". A verification for 6(D)- Pet one’s trained in official residence (7, two words): In Postu?
Question Author
Thanks again, Professor! I may have gone astray with 2(D) 2 Polish way of speaking for listeners is something metallic (8): RUBIDIUM? and 3(D):
3 Makes announcement favouring plaintiffs? (9)
Any assistance will be welcome!
They're both right, Matakari - for 1a you've got two words following on from the two words at 4d.
Matakari, you'll need to stop doubting yourself!
Question Author
That's a great hint, Professor! Now I'm left with 37(A), 29(D) and 26(D) for which I have 4 words, the first beginning with H and ending with S, the second begins with A and ends with S, the third begins with T and ends with E, and the fourth begins with S and ends wit A. Am I right? Thanks for your patience!
Yes, you're there.
Question Author
Many thanks, Professor! Stay safe!

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