Village Hall Quiz C,D 26,5 in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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Village Hall Quiz C,D 26,5

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knittingnana | 18:38 Tue 12th May 2020 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
Q 41 appointed to the membership of order of the companions in birthday honours list 2017
I can see 7 for that year am i looking at the wrong thing? Clue only please
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Oops! Sorry! I've only just noticed the 'clue only' bit!

Sorry once again!
There were more than Terence Conran in the Birthday Honours.
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There is 7 then ? Ma ya Lynne are all 7 needed?
Now I'm getting confused!

Despite the official notes to the Birthday Honours List only mentioning the one Companion of Honour, a look at the full list shows not one, and not seven, but NINE!
Reading the question, I presuming one of those in receipt of the honour has some connection with the character/actor mentioned at am the head of that section.
As Mamya says, there might be a theme to the quiz (or to the relevant section of it) that needs to be taken into account when determining the response that's actually needed.
Sorry about my floating 'am' in my earlier reply.

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Village Hall Quiz C,D 26,5

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