Good morning everyone - i say that with tongue in cheek, it's anything but good here, though my garden needs a drink, because it's chucking it down, quite nastily in fact and seems determined to keep doing it all weekend !!
The links aren't nasty, though - perplexing yes, but nasty, no.
As always, everyone is very welcome to join in - I like those who do join in and stay - please make sure you post your entry before midnight Sunday, and after posting do just check your entry does appear - they have been known to go AWOL.
I fear we have another round where there are lots of possibles and making ones mind might be tricky, but fingers crossed for a healthy bout of points scored, so Good Luck to Us All and let's get busy .........
I'll try
Cocktail Cherry
Artificial Flowers
Queen Mary
Cliff Railway
Candice is hoping these will win her the fiver
Cherry Blossom
Wild Flowers
Beauty Queen
Cliff Hanger